• man holding prison cell bars

    7 September 2023

    2 minute read

  • Keyboard

    9 May 2023

    3 minute read

    Queensland has just passed new laws targeting reportable offenders, increasing minimum reporting periods and expanding police powers.

  • close up plant image

    8 April 2023

    3 minute read

    Recent changes to the law have made it legal for doctors to prescribe medicinal cannabis in Queensland. Finally, you might think. Read on as we break down the legalities of accessing cannabis for medical treatment.

  • 22 February 2023

    2 minute read

    A new ‘three strike system’ has just been introduced to decriminalise personal possession of most illegal drugs and utensils in Queensland.

  • Fingerprint evidence

    3 August 2021

    10 minute read

    Following conviction for a sexual offence against a child, or a CEM offence, the Queensland government requires offenders to report their personal details. This is often referred to as being on the sex offenders register. Read on as we take a deep dive into the law and explain what it all means.

  • grey scale justice statue

    30 September 2020

    8 minute read

    Recent changes to the law have led to the creation of two new offences relating to child abuse objects, as well as a tougher sentencing regime requiring exceptional circumstances to stay out of jail.

  • 18 August 2020

    16 minute read

    The excuse of mistake of fact in sexual assault and rape cases has recently come under fire by academics and non-lawyers, with some calling it an archaic “legal loophole”. Calls for the excuse to be abolished or heavily modified have resulted in an intensive review by the Queensland Law Reform Commission, which recently published its findings.

  • 15 May 2020

    3 minute read

    A number of reports have surfaced of people spitting on others, which gives rise to the question: can you be charged for transmitting COVID-19?